Welcome to Ocer Campion Jesuit College! Ocer means ‘Christ is risen’. Ocer Campion was established with an aim of rebuilding and restoring hope to the children and the families of Northern Uganda after two decades of civil war. Indeed with its establishment in 2010, the school has already restored the hopes of many families and children in the region. The school has not only given them a chance at excellent education but has also become a place of healing and reconciliation.
The mission of Ocer Campion Jesuit College is committed to “promoting young men and women progress through learning, loving and serving thus molding students to become ethical, principled and responsible leaders.”
Here at Ocer, at the centre of the work we undertake is the belief that each person is unique, created in God’s image and with a variety of gifts and talents. It is our role as a Catholic Jesuit school to enable each girl and boy to develop those gifts and talents in the education of the whole person. We strive to develop persons who are well rounded intellectually, morally and spiritually. We put great emphasis on developing and instilling in our students a reverence to the dignity of all people and to realize the holiness of all creation.
We set the highest standards and expectations for all our students and expect that they will, in turn, do the same. I was pleased to see that Uganda National Examinations Board Evaluation survey (2016) ranked us in 10th position in the whole country as one of the schools that offer holistic education. We are designated as one of the best performing secondary schools in Northern region and the entire country- Uganda.
Whether it is as a parent, student, former student or visitor I hope that you find this website of help.
Tony Wach SJ.
School Director
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